We want to see a Difference in the Children today and show them a Better Way!
Providing jobs to people in need, feeding the homeless, leading people to GOD through inspirational music and clothing and donating back to the community.
- We provide inspirational music for free or for a donation in hope of making a change in today’s generation with faith and love.
- We donate money back to the homeless.
- We donate money to our church in support of their Mission efforts throughout the San Diego Community.
- We provide job opportunities to the Youth within the Community.
- We Mentor the Youth to keep them off the streets away from drugs and gangs.
- We donate funds into other Non-profit organizations that share the same vision as we have (Salvation Army, Good Will, etc.)
- We perform at Community Events at no cost such as “Feed the Children” and many local Churches giving our music away for free or for a donation.
- Some of the Funds that are donated are used to make more inspirational music that inspires the youth to remain positive.
Gods New Army of Love Heart Soldiers is an organization that is formed by Jesus Christ and is led by Jesus Christ to help the community in every way. We will bring help to all ages, races and religions through faith in Jesus Christ and love for one another. Our focus is to train the youth to make disciples out of them by teaching them about life and about Jesus Christ. We will provide them with the resources to grow and contribute to society.
Our core values govern our ministry and keep us focused on our goals. They are provided by God to give us strength, direction and love.
1. Pray first, pray during, pray after, and pray always.
2. Love is our number 1 weapon. We are to love God and love our neighbors.
3. We are a team. We need to help each other as much as we help others.
4. Train constantly by fasting, praying and reading the Word so that we are ready to fight at any moment.
5. We have products to use as tools to reach the community. Yes we accept donations but it is never about the money. It is always about the message.
6. Love our enemies. Be sweet to the unkind. Fight the good fight of faith.
7. Confession is what God wants us to do. Do not keep sin hidden within us because it will manifest and destroy if we do not let it out. We will confess our sins to who we feel comfortable. We will not hold it in. No matter what the sin, God can and will cleanse us if we are sincere in requests.
8. Pray for those in need. We will not hesitate, debate or procrastinate to pray.
9. We will feed the hungry.
10. We will visit those in prison and give them love.
11. We will visit those in hospitals and pray for healing.
12. We will give our time and finances to whoever God leads us to.
13. We will seek God with all our heart for all eternity.
1. We believe God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that who so ever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
2. We believe God is Love.
3. We believe in loving God with all our heart, all our strength, all mind and all our soul. Give God our all.
4. We believe in loving our neighbors as ourselves. Treat others the way we would like to be treated.
5. We believe in loving our enemies even when people mistreat us, beat us, hate us and are rude to us. We will pray and go out of our way for them with sincere love because Jesus tells us to do so.
6. We believe we need Faith, Hope and Love, but the most important is Love.
7. We believe Love begins at HOME. How can we love others and not love our own family? Practice love at home and you will be a professional outside the home.
8. We believe that if we give our last dollar, all our time, our body and all or gifts but don’t have love, it means nothing at all. People can tell if you are sincere about your love. True love grows while fake love dies.
9. We believe love is patient. Love is kind. It is not self seeking.
10. We believe laying down our lives for others. There is no greater love than this.
1. Pray and fast and ask God for direction and weapons to fight the good fight.
2. Put on the whole armor of God; breast plate of righteousness, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, belt of truth, helmet of salvation and feet ready with the gospel.
3. We want to stand for what is right even when everyone else says we are wrong. We are here to build Gods Kingdom and to tear the devils down.
4. We will get more products to reach all kinds of people. The bible says he who wins souls is wise therefore we will use music, books, clothes, jewelry, gifts, food, poetry or whatever weapon God provides us to draw people to Him.
5. Our goal is to move around the state, country, nation and world preaching the gospel. We need more grocery stores, event locations, concerts, fund raisers, churches, clubs, schools, the streets to pass out our products.
6. We want to help others that are hurting and in need. We will recruit and except anyone that wants to serve Jesus and grow. Anyone who needs love, we will be there for them no matter what. If we get weak, we will give it to God and pray for strength. Always standing on His Word.
7. We will never give up even though we may mess up. Remember God is our refuge in battle and even if we fall, we will get back up because God honors the fight not the fall.
8. We want our own store so that our team has a place to go where they don’t have to ask permission. A place where we can call our home. We want a store in the middle of the war zone, where we can draw people to Christ. A store that looks like a business but really is a ministry, to serve as a sneak attack to the enemy.
Our goal is to have a huge fundraiser and to raise enough money to get Gods New Army of Love a store in the mall. In doing so, we can have a place of our own to minister to the public directly and help those who do not know Jesus Christ. We can also provide jobs to those who need one. This will not be all about the money. This will be Home for the Heart soldiers. This will be a place for family, bonding, hanging out, doing activities, showing love and helping one another. Our work is never about the money but rather about Love. This will be a place where you can talk to your manager not just about inventory but also about family issues, spiritual issues, personal problems, relationships, advice and more. This will be a job where God is the Boss. We will have so much fun preaching the gospel.
1. Bibles for when we go out so that we are always prepared to share the Word with anyone who needs it.
2. Prayer warriors to pray for the sick, lost, hungry, homeless, hurting, confused or having problems.
3. A van to pick-up and drop-off the Heat Soldiers from home, events, work sites, etc.
4. Uniforms so that the heat Soldiers can be dressed in one accord.
5. Supplies such as CD’s, cases, ink, paper, music, beats, hats, studio time, clothes, jewelry, pictures, pens, clipboards, posters, flyers, banners, water, towels, shoes, duplicators, food banners, etc.
6. Monetary Donations
7. Locations to minister such as Wal-Mart, Vons, Albertsons, food 4 Less, CVS, rite Aid, Walgreens, Ralphs and Mom and Pop stores, etc.
8. Leaders
9. Teachers
10. Studios, engineers, mixers, masterers, mikes, speakers, training facility, training equipment, etc.
11. We need a commitment from our Gods New Army of Love Heart Soldier members to be on time, tell the truth, be consistent, be faithful, give suggestions, give support, contribute their individual gifts/talents, and give their time and their financial support. Everyone must pray and believe God will move and use this ministry for His purpose and His will and not ours. Amen.
12. Most Important, We need GOD, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Thank you for taking the time to help us in our long hard journey to make this world a better place for all.
GOD Bless You,
Nicolas Shivers